Friday, March 6, 2009

The Bright Side of Children’s Television Shows

Everyday young children are glued to the television set and have no clue what is going on around them. Parents hoping and wishing that their son or daughter would just go outside and play or at least do something other than watch television. Parents want what is best for their children which might be being healthy and staying active. But hold on parents there is a bright side of your son or daughter watching television.
There are some shows that try to inspire children to be healthy and stay active. This could help your child start staying healthy since they are watching their favorite show which is always right and always tells the truth or at least that is what they think.
Sesame Street is always a great show for your child to watch. I remember watching this show when I was younger and now when I watch it I can’t believe I watched the show, even though it taught me a lot. The storyline of Sesame Street guides preschoolers through lessons that are based on healthy eating and the importance of active play and other important activities such as hygiene and rest. Sesame Street ties in songs to the show that deal with these important topics. Songs usually get stuck in everyone’s heads so the child will be singing the songs all day long which will help influence the child to make positive choices such as going outside and playing basketball.
Not only does PBS air shows that affect children in a positive way, but the Disney Channel also airs affective shows. The show “The Wiggles” counsels children to eat healthy food and promote good health with songs such as, “Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy.” The show “Jo-Jo’s Circus” encourages kids to get up and move during the show. Children will also see cartoon shorts about choosing healthy snacks, such as eating a banana, over candy and other less healthy choices.
Nickelodeon also has shows that promote physical activity and healthy eating. “Dora the Explorer” encourages children to get up and move around during the show. “Lazy Town” is also another show that helps promote healthy habits. The main character of the show is an athlete who gets defeated if he eats sugar and the villain is known to be lazy so the show tries to teach children not to do this and show what happens if you do.
All these different networks provide educational reasons to watch the shows. The shows emphasize healthy eating and exercise, which is a great way to spark conversations with children about leading a healthy lifestyle. The plus side is that children get encouraged by their favorite characters to eat healthy foods.


  1. I think that it is important for parents to get there kids up off the couch and outside or being active. Kids are getting lazier and fatter and having less imagination these days. A sports study showed that more athletes are getting hurt now a days because when they were young they only got physical activity at camps and practices. Years ago they were less injuries because kids were constiently outside throwing rocks at birds and running. Building up there bodys

  2. I think it's important that children stay healthy and that their parents encourage them to do so. When I was younger, I remember wanting to go out and play but a lot of my friends just wanted to stay inside adn watch TV. I still don't even like TV all that much. I'd rather do something, even if it's just playing cards or sitting around visiting.

    I think channels like PBS and Disney help influence children to eat healthier, but it's not going to be completely effective. I don't think there's anything wrong with parents telling their children they can only watch a certain amount of TV a day.

  3. When we were young, Sesame Street was THE thing to watch. Now days, shows are a little different. However, the difference is that the shows seem a cheesy to me today. I believe it is important for children to have a positive influence from the television they view. I agree that PBS and Disney are two of the best educational and clean channels out there today.

  4. Considering that basically every household in America has at least one TV, its very important for the shows for younger generations to be positive influences. Obesity rates are sky rocketing and technology is big reason for that, so to have shows that encourage kids to be active, to play outside, and to eat healthy foods is very important and is a crucial message that needs to get across to the kids somehow.

  5. I think that no matter how much you watch cartoons that tell you to go out and get active, you are still watching tv. When I was a kid riding my bike and playing outside with my friends was awesome and I could spend nearly all day doing it.

    When I had time to watch cartoons I like to watch cartoons of someone getting hurt like Tom and Jerry or Wile E. Coyote. I don't know that our educational-positive-life-choice-shows are being that effective. Most kids are just going to jump on their XBox their parents bought them and play forever. Anything that the child decides to do is going to be because they chose to do it, not because Nickelodeon told them to go play for 60 minutes. Personal opinion.

  6. Some television shows are fine for kids to watch because they do teach lessons. I remember watching Sesame Street and today when I watch it with my little niece, I do not know how I sat through a whole episode of it. I do believe that children need to play outside and be active most of the time and have limited time to watching television.
